説明書 Timex TW5M29000VQ Command 時計

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ENGLISH 03K-096000
Available in U.S.
only. Extend your warranty for an additional 4 years from date
of purchase for $5. You can pay with AMEX, Discover, Visa or MasterCard by
calling 1 800-448-4639 during normal business hours. Payment must be made
within 30 days of purchase. Name, address, telephone number, purchase date,
and 5-digit model number required. You can also mail a check for $5 to: Timex
Extended Warranty, P.O. Box 1676, Dept. EF, Little Rock, AR 72203.
Please read instructions carefully to understand how to operate your Timex
watch. Your model may not have all of the features described in this
Real-time calendar clock, Three time zones, 64 World Time (WT) cities / 30 time
zones, Chronograph and lap/split recording, Countdown timer, Daily/weekday/
weekend alarm, hourly chime and INDIGLO
night-light with Night-Mode
When setting, each button has a dierent function as indicated above. Watch
face will indicate when button changes function.
Three time zones (T1, T2, T3) for quick view of user-selected world cities. World
Time cities are selected by user for each time zone.
1. In TIME mode, press and hold SET. The Time Zone (1, 2 or 3) will ash,
and press + or – to change. Press NEXT to select the displayed time zone.
2. Press + to scroll World Time city in ascending alphabetical order, press –
to scroll in descending alphabetical order.
NOTE: See Step 11 (below) for changing the World Time city order.
3. Press NEXT. DST (Daylight Saving Time) setting will ash.
4. Press + or – to turn DST ON or OFF. If DST is set to ON, the DST indicator
will appear and time will advance by 1 hour.
5. Press NEXT. Hour digits ash.
6. Press + or – to change hour including AM/PM. (Scroll through 12 hours to
get to AM/PM). Hold + or – to change rapidly.
7. Press NEXT. Minutes digits ash. Press + or – to change minutes. Hold +
or – to change rapidly.
8. Press NEXT. Seconds digits ash. Press + or – to set seconds to zero.
9. Press NEXT. Month ashes. Press + or – to change month. Hold + or to
change rapidly.
10. Press NEXT. Date ashes. Press + or – to change date. Hold + or to
change rapidly.
11. Press NEXT and continue setting pattern for Year, 12-hour or 24-hour
Time Display, MM-DD or DD.MM Date Format, sort by City Name or UTC
Oset, Alert Type (TONE, VIBE or COMBO), Hourly Chime on/o, Button
Beep on/o, World Time mode (show or hide), Chrono mode (show or
hide), Countdown Timer mode (show or hide), Alarm 1 mode (show or
hide), Alarm 2 mode (show or hide), Alarm 3 mode (show or hide).
NOTE: If you select BEEP on, a beep will sound every time you push a button
(except INDIGLO
12. Press DONE to conrm and exit or MODE to continue and reset rst time
zone, or set second and/or third time zones, if desired.
1. When in Time mode, press START/SPLIT once or twice to “preview” one
of the other two time zones for 3 seconds (T1, T2 or T3 ashes).
2. To switch that time zone to the displayed one, continue to hold START/
SPLIT for 4 seconds.
To view 84 World Time cities / 30 time zones, view and set DST and Sort Order
for each of those time zones.
1. Press MODE until WORLD appears.
2. Press + to scroll each World Time city in an Eastward direction, press – to
scroll in a Westward direction.
NOTE: If you select “City Name” in Step 4 (below), press + to view each city
in ascending alphabetical order or press to view each city in descending
alphabetical order
3. Press SET for each displayed time zone, and + or – to turn DST ON
or OFF. If DST is set to ON, the DST indicator will appear and time will
advance by 1 hour.
4. Press NEXT to select Sort Order. Press + or to select UTC Oset or City
5. Press DONE to exit World Time set mode.
LAP 1 = 7.11 LAP 2 = 7.50
SPLIT 2 = 15.01
LAP 3 = 7.08
SPLIT 3 = 22.09
LAP 4 = 7.30
SPLIT 4 = 29.39
SPLIT 1 = 7.11
1. Press MODE until CHRONO appears.
2. Press and hold SET.
3. The Display will read: FORMAT/SET, then LAP/SPL or SPL/LAP. Press +
or – to select desired format. See the table above to explain LAP vs. SPLIT
4. Press DONE to conrm and exit.
5. To USE Chrono mode, press START/SPLIT. The chronograph continues
to run even if you exit the mode.
6. Press START/SPLIT to take a split. Lap and split times will then be
displayed in the format you selected. The lap number will appear in the top
line of the display.
NOTE: Lap and split times will appear for 10 seconds while the chronograph
runs in the background. Press MODE to release the display and see the
running chronograph.
7. Press STOP/RESET to pause the chronograph.
8. Press START/SPLIT to resume timing or press and hold STOP/RESET to
reset the chronograph.
1. Press MODE repeatedly until TIMER appears.
2. To SET the Timer, press and hold SET. Hour digits ash, and HOURS
appears on the bottom line.
3. Press + or – to change the hours. Hold + or – to change rapidly.
4. Press NEXT. Minutes digits ash, and MINUTES appears on the bottom
5. Press + or – to change the minutes. Hold + or – to change rapidly.
6. Press NEXT. Seconds digits ash, and SECONDS appears on the bottom
7. Press + or – to change the seconds. Hold + or – to change rapidly.
8. Press NEXT. STOP or REPEAT (AT END) ash. Press + or – to change the
9. Press DONE to conrm and exit.
10. To USE the Timer, press START/SPLIT to begin the countdown.
説明書を日本語でタウンロード (PDF, 2.79 MB)



Timex TW5M29000VQ Command 時計について、製品の評価を入力し、お客様のお考えをお教えてください。この製品とのお客様の経験を共有したいですか、または質問したいですか。ページ下部にコメントを入力してください。
Timex TW5M29000VQ Command 時計 に満足していますか?
はい いいえ
1 投票


ここでは、Timex TW5M29000VQ Command 時計 についての意見を共有できます。 疑問がある場合は、まず説明書をよく読んでください。 マニュアルのご請求は、お問い合わせフォームより承ります。


Timex TW5M29000VQ Command 時計 に紙のマニュアルがあると便利だと理解しています。 マニュアルは当社 Web サイトからいつでもダウンロードして、ご自身で印刷していただけます。 オリジナルのマニュアルが必要な場合は、Timex にお問い合わせいただくことをお勧めします。 オリジナルのマニュアルを提供してくれるかもしれません。 Timex TW5M29000VQ Command 時計 の別の言語のマニュアルをお探しですか? 当社のホームページでご希望の言語を選択し、モデル番号を検索して入手可能かどうかを確認してください。


メーカー Timex
モデル TW5M29000VQ Command
カテゴリー 時計
ファイルの種類 PDF
ファイルサイズ 2.79 MB

Timex 時計 のすべてのマニュアル
時計 のその他のマニュアル

Timex TW5M29000VQ Command 時計 に関するよくある質問


デバイスのバッテリーが酸化されていますが、それでも安全に使用できますか? 確認済み


役に立った (811) 続きを読む

私の機械式時計は速く動きます、どうしたら良いですか? 確認済み


役に立った (770) 続きを読む

AMとPMは何の略ですか? 確認済み

AMはアンティメリディエム(Ante Meridiem)の略で、時間が正午より前であることを示します。PMはポストメリディエム(Post Meridiem)の略で、時間が正午を過ぎていることを示します。

役に立った (665) 続きを読む

「クロノグラフ」とは何ですか? 確認済み


役に立った (581) 続きを読む

クォーツムーブメントとは何ですか? 確認済み


役に立った (403) 続きを読む

GMTとは何ですか? 確認済み


役に立った (402) 続きを読む
説明書 Timex TW5M29000VQ Command 時計

