説明書 Plum 25078 Surfside Sand & Water ガーデンテーブル

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This product has been made from premium timber. Great care has been taken in selecting, treating and machining the
timber before it is presented to you. Timber is a natural product and as such may experience changes throughout the
course of its life. This means it may:
Develop openings (gaps, slits, apertures, cracks, splits) along the line of the grain. These openings are due to
the difference in moisture content between the internal and outer surfaces of the timber. This is to be expected,
is totally acceptable and will not affect the integral strength, life or guarantee of the product.
Warp and distort its shape. Any distortion will be slight and will not affect the safety or enjoyment of this
Fade as the timber reacts with sunlight. The timber should be treated with a proprietary product to act as a
protective barrier, i.e. a water repellent, on an annual basis.
After first year of service treat product with a good quality treatment safe for children’s use.
To ensure the safety of you, the installer and your children, it is important that these instructions are read fully before
commencing the positioning and installation of this product.
Keep your sandpit safe for the children
1. Always cover the sandpit when not in use, to prevent unwanted animals from playing in the sand.
3. Before covering your sandpit, place a large object in the centre of the sand to prop up the cover.
This will allow water to drain off the cover, and prevent any rain water from "pooling" in the centre of the sand pit.
This must be checked regularly.
4. Should any water still accumulate and form a pool, please ensure that this water is removed. Standing water can
pose a danger to children.
5. Regularly check sand for impurities and any other sharp objects that may cause harm to children, including at the
beginning of the season.
6. Use washed play sand suitable for use in children's sand pits.
7. Reguarly change the sand to ensure that there is no build up of mould and to ensure that the play area is hygenic.
8. In windy and adverse weather conditions place the product in a safe area. In these conditions the product may
become a hazard.
Advisory Section
Timber Advice
Routine Maintenance
It is advised that on a regular basis (i.e. at the beginning of the season and monthly thereafter? all mian parts/fixings
Adult assembly required. Choking hazard. Contains small parts prior to assembly
are checked as secure, well oiled (if metallic), have no sharp points/edges and are intact. Replace, oil and/or tighten
when necessary. Failure to do so may result in an injury or hazard. Replace defective parts immediately, for further
information contact customer services.
Remember to keep these instructions in a safe place for future reference
For warranty information please refer to our website.
Plum Products Ltd,
The Cliff, Middle Street
Ingham,Lincolnshire, LN1 2YQ, UK
Tel:+44 (0) 344 880 5302,
Fax: +44 (0) 152 273 0379
Copyright Plum Products 2013
Plum Products Australia Pty Ltd,
303/154-158 Military Road,
Neutral Bay,
NSW 2088,
Helpline:1800 900 161
2. The sandpit cover is not a toy and is not intended for use by children. Always remove the cover before
allowing children to play with the sandpit
9. The sandpit should be placed on a level surface at least 2m from any structure or obstruction such as a fence, garage,
house, over hanging branches, laundry lines or electrical wires.
10. The sandpit should not be installed over concrete, asphalt or any other hard surface.
説明書を日本語でタウンロード (PDF, 1.67 MB)



Plum 25078 Surfside Sand & Water ガーデンテーブルについて、製品の評価を入力し、お客様のお考えをお教えてください。この製品とのお客様の経験を共有したいですか、または質問したいですか。ページ下部にコメントを入力してください。
Plum 25078 Surfside Sand & Water ガーデンテーブル に満足していますか?
はい いいえ
0 投票


ここでは、Plum 25078 Surfside Sand & Water ガーデンテーブル についての意見を共有できます。 疑問がある場合は、まず説明書をよく読んでください。 マニュアルのご請求は、お問い合わせフォームより承ります。


Plum 25078 Surfside Sand & Water ガーデンテーブル に紙のマニュアルがあると便利だと理解しています。 マニュアルは当社 Web サイトからいつでもダウンロードして、ご自身で印刷していただけます。 オリジナルのマニュアルが必要な場合は、Plum にお問い合わせいただくことをお勧めします。 オリジナルのマニュアルを提供してくれるかもしれません。 Plum 25078 Surfside Sand & Water ガーデンテーブル の別の言語のマニュアルをお探しですか? 当社のホームページでご希望の言語を選択し、モデル番号を検索して入手可能かどうかを確認してください。


メーカー Plum
モデル 25078 Surfside Sand & Water
カテゴリー ガーデンテーブル
ファイルの種類 PDF
ファイルサイズ 1.67 MB

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ガーデンテーブル のその他のマニュアル

説明書 Plum 25078 Surfside Sand & Water ガーデンテーブル

