説明書 Perrelet A4067/4 Turbine 41 Titanium Red 時計

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Le Lo c L e In t h e 17t h
a n d 18t h c e n t u r Ie s
Imagine the lofty, isolated plateau of the Neuchâtel country-
side, reaching heights of up to 1000 meters. At this period,
the only means of descent from this elevated land to the
rest of the world was by foot or in horse-drawn carts. The
climate was harsh, with severe winters.
Bear, wolf and boar were hunted here. Conditions were
tough and human values were of paramount importance :
mutual support and generosity enabled the first inhabitants
to build their communities.
At this time, the town of Le Locle formed part of the
Principality of Neuchâtel, a territory owned by the Kings of
Prussia, Frederick I, then Frederick-William II.
Wa tc h a n d c L o c k
m a k In g In
t h e 17t h a n d 18t h c e n t u r Ie s
During the 17th century, watch and clock-making was
mainly a French, German and English trade, but at
the beginning of the 18th century it flowered rapidly in
Switzerland. As soon as this new activity was established in
Geneva, during the 1700s, it also took root in the Neuchâtel
A blacksmith, Daniel Jean Richard (1665-1741) is acknowl-
edged as the founding father of Swiss watchmaking.
It was he who introduced the trade first to La Sagne in 1705,
then to Le Locle.
Watchmaking was now well-established and definitively
recognized as a Swiss occupation. It enabled the moun-
tain dwellers and peasants to glimpse a better way of life.
th e s t o r y o F a b r IL L Ia n t
W a t c h m a k e r
Watchmaking as a profession had been established in Le
Locle for 30 years when Abraham-Louis Perrelet was born
there on January 9th 1729.
His father, Daniel Perrelet, was both a farmer and a carpen-
ter. During the long winters in the Neuchâtel mountains, he
made tools, including some extremely fine ones intended
for watchmakers. Like any deprived child of the period,
Abraham-Louis made himself useful, helping his parents
in the fields and in the workshop.
At the age of 20, seeing that watchmaking was increasing
in scale in the Neuchâtel mountains, he gave up his humble
work to commit himself fully to this fascinating new craft.
The first problem he encountered was the lack of proper
tools. He set himself the task of overcoming this deficiency
by designing and producing a number of tools himself,
such as the planter or the rounding tool.
He invented, developed and refined a series of new com-
binations to improve the performance of timepieces.
He was, for example, the first person in Le Locle to make
watches with cylinder and duplex escapements, date and
equation. Despite his youth, he built himself a solid reputa-
tion, and he was widely consulted as an expert.
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はい いいえ
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メーカー Perrelet
モデル A4067/4 Turbine 41 Titanium Red
カテゴリー 時計
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ファイルサイズ 1.03 MB

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Perrelet A4067/4 Turbine 41 Titanium Red 時計 に関するよくある質問


デバイスのバッテリーが酸化されていますが、それでも安全に使用できますか? 確認済み


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私の機械式時計は速く動きます、どうしたら良いですか? 確認済み


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AMとPMは何の略ですか? 確認済み

AMはアンティメリディエム(Ante Meridiem)の略で、時間が正午より前であることを示します。PMはポストメリディエム(Post Meridiem)の略で、時間が正午を過ぎていることを示します。

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「クロノグラフ」とは何ですか? 確認済み


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GMTとは何ですか? 確認済み


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クォーツムーブメントとは何ですか? 確認済み


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説明書 Perrelet A4067/4 Turbine 41 Titanium Red 時計

